Visual tactile comparison of the degree of surface roughness

The surface roughness comparators Keane tator used in the coatings sector allow a rapid and precise evaluation of the degree of roughness of the surface subjected to treatment. The correct and effective preparation of a surface before applying a layer of paint or other coating is very important to avoid the occurrence of unpleasant inconveniences such as possible adhesion problems or poor coverage.

Reference standards relating to the roughness comparator

When carrying out measurements regarding surface roughness, the indications contained in the following standards must be taken into account:

ASTM D 4417 Method A / ISO 8503-1 / ISO 8503-2 / ASTM D 2200 / BS EN ISO 8501-1:2007 / BS EN ISO 8501-4:2006 IMO MSC.215(82) / SIS 055900

rugosità superficiale