The Cross hatch test; this is the simplest and most used method of all to carry out the adhesion test of a paint or other coating in compliance with the ISO2409/BS3900 standard, it consists of making a cross cut, using a specific blade block, on the surface effectively creating a chessboard of equivalent squares. The degree of evaluation is based on the level of integrity of these squares with reference to the ISO2409 standard.
The PULL-OFF Adhesion Tester; this method exploits a different principle compared to gridding and uses a pull and tear system which allows a different evaluation based on the force with which a portion of the coating is detached from the surface according to the ISO 4624 standard on which all the requirements of this are indicated in detail adhesion test.
The ARWMisure instruments ensure high precision and reliability in checking the level of adhesion of the coating, particularly in the sector of paints and anti-corrosion protective coatings. Their application is of fundamental importance to guarantee the quality and durability of the coating over time, especially in cases where the product is subjected to a harsh treatment with risks related to corrosion or resistance to stress.